Space Invaders: The Bizarro Dimension

Role: Independent

Platform: PC (Website)

Software: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (with PixiJS API)

Project Description: Space Invaders: The Bizarro Dimension is a top-down shooter resembling the original Space Invaders, created individually. Similarly to the original Space Invaders, you shoot aliens, but there are a number of twists that make this game extremely different from the original, incuding but not limited to: themed level gimmicks, varying enemy types, status effects, a boss battle, and a large emphasis on humor.

I only had two weeks to develop this project, but I had a lot of ideas going into it. I was unfamiliar with PixiJS and how it worked, but there was a surprising amount of documentation on it. I used it, and my coding skills at the time, to make the project functional and polished.

I wrote a project proposal detailing the story, the aesthetics, and some overall features of the game to organize and present my ideas. I also drew some rough sketches showing the game layout. below that project proposal, I documented my progress with the project in the form of a journal, recording what I worked on each day and my methodology for everything I did. I also kept a list of outside references and assets that were pulled and modified for this project, including sprites, audio, and other APIs.

spaceInvadersSketch1 spaceInvadersSketch2 spaceInvadersSketch3 spaceInvadersGameplay spaceInvadersGameplay3 spaceInvadersGameplay4