Spring Steel Spring Ninja

Role: Main Programmer

Platform: PC

Software: Unity

Game Jam: UAT Founder's Game Jam, September 2022

Theme: Spring

Award Won: Best Audio

Project Description: This was my first Game Jam game. I worked in a group of 8 to create a platformer with stealth elements. I was the only programmer for this project because I was the only one with experience in programming in Unity. As such, I was the one who put the game together and made the entire game functional. One of the biggest Unity features that I learned how to use was how to carry data from one scene to another, and this would become very useful for later Jams. My biggest challenge with this game was animating with 3D models. We used 3D models to animate the characters, and the process was a little bit different from animating 2D sprites. The biggest hurdle to overcome with animating the character was that the character would be rotated during certain animations for some reason, and I had to figure out how to fix it.