Vitamin Deficiency

Role: AI Programmer, Enemy Designer

Platform: PC

Software: Unity

Project Description: Vitamin Deficiency is a top-down rougelike created by a group of 4. In this game, you play as a farmer, shooting mutated vegetables that are causing havoc.

Inheritance was used to create the enemies. There is a base class that all enemy classes are children of, which contains shared information such as max health, move speed, different AI states, and different functions to perform for each state. Specific methods are overridden to make each type of enemy attack and move differently.

The bosses are a unique case in that they have different phases depending on how much health they have. As such, they have their own state machines determining which phase they are currently in, and that dictates their AI patterns and attacks.

All animations for each enemy is handled by Unity's built-in animation system. The animations themselves are hand-drawn by me and are imported into the project as sprite sheets. This gives me control over each animation with how quickly they animate and it allows me to use animation events to manipulate their AI so they smoothly change from one state to another.